Section: New Results

Parallel schemes for the resolution of the RTE with finite volumes method

Participant : Sylvain Contassot-Vivier.

In the context of our collaboration with the Lemta laboratory (Fatmir Asllanaj), about the design and implementation of an efficient and high accuracy algorithm for solving the Radiative Transfer Equation (RTE), we have reached our second objective that consisted in the realization of a multi-threaded parallel version of the software. That new version is based on the optimized sequential version produced as a first objective. It makes use of the OpenMP library to exploit all the cores inside one machine. The results are very satisfying as our algorithm obtains very good speed up and efficiency (around 90% and above) in realistic contexts. Moreover, besides this work over performance, we focus also on the high quality (accuracy) of the results of our software by making a permanent effort to track any possible enhancement of our numerical scheme. Then, the actual implementation of each of these possible enhancements is considered according to its potential costs, either in performance degradation as well as in additional resource consumptions (CPUs, GPUs and RAM). Confrontations to other existing computational schemes to solve the RTE are regularly realized to corroborate the validity preservation of our software [9] , [15] .